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Glenmark Foundation has been focused on malnutrition as a core issue with special attention to children in the age group of 0 to 6 years, pregnant and lactating women and more. It has adopted a 360 degree approach to tackling malnutrition through various programs and interventions. As part of taking a step in this direction, Glenmark Nutrition Awards was organized for the first time during the RISE World Summit which was held on 28th – 29th January 2021 in partnership with the UN World Food Programme and Idobro Impact Solutions. It aimed to strengthen the eco-system to fight the scourge of hunger and support healthy mothers and children as per Glenmark’s mandate to combat malnutrition.
Conceived as a platform to recognize non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individuals who undertook exceptional efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic, the focus of the Nutrition Awards continued and revolved around Diet diversity and Innovation in the second and third year. The objective was to support the NGOs who have worked on the lines of innovation, impact, inspiration and collaboration in improving the dietary diversity among women and children, adolescent girls and vulnerable groups from the communities, using innovative strategies for implementation and adoption.
Now in its 5th year, the Glenmark Nutrition Awards focused on Innovation, Impact and Sustainability and are open to organisations across India.
(Individual, CSR Foundations, CBOs and social enterprises)
After the two selection rounds, three finalists from each category will have the opportunity to present their case before the Grand Jury in Mumbai. (The organizer will cover the logistics expenses). Each of the three winners, one from each of the three categories, will receive a grant of Rs 2,00,000 which will be used to further deliver additional impact through their program. Additionally, all nine finalists will be awarded certificates and all participants will have the opportunity to attend training sessions.
For more details and inquiries, you can reach out to Najima Shaikh – +91 9967096308 and Mansi Gamre – +91 9920525185.
The selection of the finalists is done in a completely anonymous manner, by an external selection committee. The decision of the judges/selection committee for the Glenmark Nutrition Awards 25 is final. All decisions regarding the evaluation and selection of award recipients are made at the sole discretion of the judges/selection committee. No correspondence or appeals will be entertained in this regard. The organizers of the award reserve the right to modify the selection process or criteria without prior notice. The decision is binding and not subject to challenge.
The Glenmark Nutrition Awards
Glenmark Foundation was among the first to come forward to support the most vulnerable be it those in need or those at the frontline. With a focus on malnutrition and hunger which rose like a plague during the pandemic of Covid-19; the organization decided to focus on creating a platform to recognize all organizations and individuals who fought to beat the hunger pandemic in the country.
The Glenmark Nutrition Awards was designed to strengthen the eco- system, specifically the non-profit sector to fight the scourge of hunger and support healthy mothers and children.
The awards programme stood as an innovative mechanism as a call to all the hunger warriors and bring about recognition true to their efforts and perseverance. The awards were conducted in partnership with the UN World Food Programme as Knowledge Partners and Idobro Impact Solutions as Process Partners.
The awards were designed with 3 different rounds, namely
1. Entry Round, Second Round : Selection Committee, Round
2. Final Round : Jury Committee
Categories For Entries: Urban NGO’s, Rural NGO’s & Open (Individuals, CBOs, Voluntary Groups etc.)
Criterions: Inspirational, Innovation, Impact, Collaboration
The winners were duly announced during the finale of The RISE World Summit on 29th Jan,2021 in the presence of attendees from across the world. Ms.Cheryl Pinto- Executive Director, Corporate Servcies,Glenmark Pharmaceuticals introduced the awards followed by each of the Jury Member sharing their experience in the awards and awarding the winners.
The awards programme were witnessed by renowned personalities such as Mr.Bishow Parajuli- Country Representative and Director UN World Food Programme, and Mr.Philip Kotler- Author, Distinguised Prof. The Kellogg School of Management, Mr. Yosef Abramowitz, CEO – Energyia, who was nominated thrice for the Nobel Prize. A special message by Mr. Amitabh Kant- CEO NITI Aayog acknowledging Glenmark and the awards was also presented.
Jury were responsible for evaluating top 9 candidates basis a presentation on their work on the same 4 criterions mentioned above.
Grand Jury Members Were:
About Glenmark Foundation
Instituted around the theme of ‘Healthier Children, Healthier World’, Glenmark Foundation, the CSR arm of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, is actively working towards improving child health and reducing Infant/Child Mortality.
Through the foundation’s various interventions launched along with their NGO partners, they aim at encouraging positive health-seeking behaviour among pregnant women and mothers with infants, and caregivers towards right nutrition including – good hygiene practices and ensuring complete immunization for children. We have been able to positively impact over 6,18,617 lives through our various child health initiatives over the years.
This was the period of the Covid Pandemic when Glenmark Foundation was among the first to come forward to support the most vulnerable be it those in need or those at the frontline. With a focus on malnutrition and hunger which rose like a plague during the pandemic of Covid-19; the organization decided to focus on creating a platform to recognize all organizations and individuals who fought to beat the hunger pandemic in the country.
The Glenmark Nutrition Awards was designed to strengthen the eco- system, specifically the non-profit sector to fight the scourge of hunger and support healthy mothers and children.
The awards programme stood as an innovative mechanism as a call to all the hunger warriors and bring about recognition true to their efforts and perseverance. The awards were conducted in partnership with the UN World Food Programme as Knowledge Partners and Idobro Impact Solutions as Process Partners.
The winners were duly announced during the finale of The RISE World Summit on 29th Jan,2021 in the presence of attendees from across the world. Ms.Cheryl Pinto- Executive Director, Corporate Servcies,Glenmark Pharmaceuticals introduced the awards followed by each of the Jury Member sharing their experience in the awards and awarding the winners.
The awards programme were witnessed by renowned personalities such as Mr.Bishow Parajuli- Country Representative and Director UN World Food Programme, and Mr.Philip Kotler- Author, Distinguised Prof. The Kellogg School of Management, Mr. Yosef Abramowitz, CEO – Energyia, who was nominated thrice for the Nobel Prize. A special message by Mr. Amitabh Kant- CEO NITI Aayog acknowledging Glenmark and the awards was also presented.
Disclaimer: The decision of the judges/selection committee for the Glenmark Nutrition Awards 24 is final. All decisions regarding the evaluation and selection of award recipients are made at the sole discretion of the judges/selection committee. No correspondence or appeals will be entertained in this regard. The organizers of the award reserve the right to modify the selection process or criteria without prior notice. The decision is binding and not subject to challenge.
अस्वीकृति: ग्लेनमार्क न्यूट्रिशन अवार्ड्स 24 के लिए न्यायिक/चयन समिति का निर्णय अंतिम है। पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ताओं की मूल्यांकन और चयन के सभी निर्णय न्यायिक/चयन समिति के विवेकाधीन में किए जाते हैं। इस संदर्भ में कोई पत्राचार या आपत्तियाँ स्वीकृत नहीं की जाएंगी। पुरस्कार के आयोजक चयन प्रक्रिया या मानकों में पूर्व-अग्रिम सूचना के बिना बदलाव करने का अधिकार सुरक्षित रखते हैं। यह निर्णय बाध्यकारी है और इस पर आपत्ति नहीं की जा सकती। हम सभी आवेदकों के योगदान और प्रयास की सराहना करते हैं और उनसे न्यायिक प्रक्रिया की अखंडता का समर्थन करने के लिए उनकी समझ के लिए आभारी हैं।